2267 NW Military Highway, Suite 106,
San Antonio, Texas 78213

Vision Therapy

What is Vision Therapy?

At Dawn Rakich Optometrist, we provide a comprehensive range of vision therapy services, helping patients with functional vision problems develop and improve their visual skills. With a carefully prescribed program of eye exercises and activities along with the use of optical devices as needed, vision skills such as eye teaming (binocularity), eye movements (ocular motility), focusing ability (accommodation), contrast sensitivity and perception can be improved.

Much of what we experience in the world is related to our ability to see. Therefore, any vision impairment that is either significant or is left untreated can limit a person’s capacity to interact with their surroundings. In children especially, the consequences of having vision problems can be far-reaching. According to recent statistics, approximately one in four children are affected by a vision disorder. While uncorrected refractive errors are common reasons for vision impairment in children, there are other conditions that affect visual function, which may contribute to developmental delays, as well as cognitive and social issues.

How Does Vision Therapy Work?

Vision therapy at our office is conducted under the supervision of our experienced professional team. As a form of physical therapy for the eyes and brain, vision therapy offers a safe, non-surgical and drug-free method of care for children and adults to address the vision consequences of eye disorders such as lazy eye (amblyopia), crossed eyes (strabismus), convergence insufficiency, or double vision as well as help treat vision-related developmental or learning issues.

It’s important to keep in mind that vision therapy is not just a means to “strengthen the eyes.” The goal of vision therapy is to improve the working relationship between the eyes and the brain to treat visual-motor and/or perceptual-cognitive deficiencies.

What is the First Step in Care?

As the first step in care, our office performs a comprehensive examination to assess eye health and vision quality. Even in cases where the eyesight is 20/20, there can be a problem with visual function. At Dawn Rakich Optometrist, we recognize that eyeglasses alone are not always enough to improve eyesight. Issues involving visual function as well as the processing and perception of information gathered by the eyes can also require a program of vision therapy. Vision therapy includes patient-specific neuromuscular and neurosensory exercises as well as adjunctive optical or medical devices such as therapeutic lenses, prisms, filters, balance boards, electronic targets and specialized computer software.